• How far in advance can I book my stay?

    You can make a reservation 12 months in advance by internet or telephone.

  • How many days in advance do you charge for cancellations?

    20% of your room rate will be charged if cancelled 4 to 7 days prior to your arrival date. 50% if cancelled 2 to 3 days prior to your arrival date, 80% if cancelled 1 day prior to your arrival date, and 100% for on the day cancellation.
    Please note that cancellation policy may differ when booking through a travel agency. Please contact your agency to modify or cancel your booking.

  • Can you store my luggage prior to my check-in and after I check-out?

    We certainly can. However, we are unable to store any hazardous goods and ask you to take all valuable items with you after the departure.

  • Can you store packages sent to the hotel until my check-in date?

    Yes, we can. If you send us your suitcase or luggage before check-in, we will give it to you at check-in. Please provide us with the name of the person who made the reservation and the date of check-in.

  • Do you have a child fee?

    We do not. Any guests aged 7 and above will be considered an adult.

  • Would there be an additional charge for small children when staying?

    Children up to the age of 6 can sleep with you if they do not require a bed.

  • Is it possible to stay in a hotel overnight without a parent, while being under-age 18?

    Please download and fill out the consent form. And submit the form to the front desk on the day of check-in.
    *Please fill out one form for each minor staying

  • Do you offer breakfast to visitors?

    Yes, we do. The price is 3,300JPY per person (tax included). Please inform a team member at the restaurant to join us for breakfast.

  • Do you have a parking lot?

    Our hotel does not have a parking lot.

  • When is housekeeping service available until?

    Cleaning is available until 2PM. After 2PM, we will be more than happy to change towels and collect trash upon request.

  • What time would I need to check-in by?

    Although our reception is open 24 hours, we ask all guests to kindly inform us if arriving after midnight, as we may cancel your booking.

  • Is there any shuttle service from an airport or a station?

    Our hotel does not offer shuttle services.