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July 7th, TANABATA - Write your wish on a "TANZAKU" and hang it on a bamboo tree -

July 4(Thu) -7(Sun) 2024

July 7th is TANABATA.
There is a legend that ORIHIME and HIKOBOSHI can only meet each other on either side of the Milky Way every year.
It is a very romantic TANABATA event. But when you grow up, you can hardly see TANABATA decorations.

At NOHGA HOTEL UENO TOKYO, we have prepared TANABATA bamboo decorations with the desire to enjoy TANABATA with everyone.
Take this opportunity to write your wish on a "TANZAKU" and hang it on a bamboo tree.

<TANABATA decorations>

●DATES: 2024/7/4~7/7

●PLACE: Hotel entrance, and 2F Library Lounge

After TANABATA, the "TANZAKU" containing everyone's wishes will be dedicated to SHITAYA Shrine, the tutelary deity of NOHGA HOTEL UENO TOKYO.

----Tanabata trivia----
Did you know that the colors of the "TANZAKU" have meanings?

Red/Orange (Thanks)...Respect your superiors. Do your best for your opponent.
White (righteousness)...Obey the rules. Do your duty.
Blue/Green (Jin)...Caring for others. to love people.
Huang (Shin)...Keep your promises. Be honest.
Black/Purple (Satoshi)...Possess excellent knowledge and wisdom. make the right decisions.

"TANZAKU" are commonly distributed in five colors, as in the nursery rhyme "Tanabata-sama", and each color has its own meaning and is said to correspond to the content of a wish. I'm here.
The five colors are said to come from the "Five Elements Thought" that was born in China during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period before Christ.
"Five Elements Philosophy" is the basic idea that all things are made up of five elements: "fire", "metal", "wood", "earth", and "water". It was believed that everything that shaped human life, such as the seasons, could be explained.
For example, the origin of various words such as "five organs" in "five organs and six organs", "five grains" in "five grain rice", and "five senses", which refers to the organs of the human face in Chinese medicine, is derived from "five elements thought".

There is also the word "five constants," which is derived from "Five Elements Philosophy," and it is said that it corresponds to the color of the "TANZAKU" for TANABATA.
Recently, "TANZAKU" of more than five colors are increasing, and it seems that people decide their wishes based on feng shui and color diagnosis.


How do you like it?

After learning about the meaning of each of the five colors, we recommend choosing a strip of color that is closest to your wish and writing down the wish you want to grant the most for that year.


Please use this as a reference when writing your wish.

>> For inquiries 03-5816-0211