NOHGA HOTEL KIYOMIZU KYOTO seeks to create an eco-friendly hotel through energy consumption control, waste and drainage measures, consideration for food, and local community activities. Accompanying our mission to "be deeply connected to the places" and our perception on eco-friendliness, we will strive to achieve a sustainable society through our products and services.


Certification Number:22 503 001

ECOMARK CERTIFIED HOTEL (Certification Number:22 503 001)

  • Energy consumption control
  • Waste and drainage measures
  • Consideration for food
  • Supporting our community
  • Energy consumption control

    • エネルギー消費抑制 グリーン電力を導入のイメージ

      Adoption of green electricity

      With CO2 Zero Plan* our hotel is powered by green electricity from renewable sources that reduce CO2 emissions.
      * CO2 Zero Plan enforces to use non-fossil derived renewable energy to achieve virtually 100% renewable energy and zero CO2 emissions. Electric power is provided by NF Power Service Co Ltd, an affiliate company, enabling us to stably achieve zero CO2 emissions.
    • エネルギー消費抑制 LED電球の使用のイメージ

      Use of LED light bulbs

      All public spaces and guest rooms are equipped with LED bulbs.
    • エネルギー消費抑制 リネン交換抑制のイメージ

      Linen exchange control

      "Eco-friendly magnet card" available in all guest rooms.
  • Waste and drainage measures

    • 廃棄物・排水対策 バスアメニティの小包装不使用のイメージ

      Eliminated small packaging for bath amenities

      Implemented for shampoos, conditioners, body and hand soaps.
    • 廃棄物・排水対策 オーガニックアメニティのイメージ

      Organic amenities

      Natural ingredients sustainable for both the environment and humans are used.
    • 廃棄物・排水対策 ネームプレートのイメージ

      Name tag (in collaboration with ALLOY)

      Reuse of leather cutting waste produced in the manufacturing process.
    • 廃棄物・排水対策 チーフのイメージ

      Pocket square (in collaboration with Tatsumura Art Textiles)

      The pocket squares our team members wear along with our uniform is made with scraps of kimono.
    • 廃棄物・排水対策 食物繊維由来の生分解性竹ストローの使用のイメージ

      Use of biodegradable bamboo straws derived from dietary fibers

      Promoting plastic reduction.
  • Consideration for food

    • 食品への配慮 有機自然栽培の食材を積極的に使用のイメージ

      Use of organic / naturally grown food supplies

      Ingredients and drinks are carefully selected, mainly from domestic producers.
  • Supporting our community

    • イベント・教育等 地域貢献活動のイメージ

      Employees' participation in local communities

      Hotel employees support our communities by participating in local events.